Downloadable Bulletin Boards and Resources



 NEW:  Classroom Decor -Everything you need to decorate your music classroom.

Download these kits, print them using a color printer and post on your bulletin board!  These kits come zipped (or in a compressed folder) so you will need a program to unzip or expand them.  These kits are available only as digital file downloads.  You will not receive physical product. Need help?  Learn more here.
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Decor Bundle - Camping Trace It Worksheets
Music Class Decor Bundle - Camping Theme  $17.50 Music Tracing Worksheet $2.50

Set your classroom up for an amazing camping adventure with this bundle of 9 camping products designed for the music classroom. Check out each of the producs below for a complete description of everything that is included in this bundle. (They are all listed on this page.) 

All of the clipart and backgrounds coordinate to make your classroom look organized and put together. You save almost 50% off the price of purchasing these products separately.

 Music Word Wall - Camping Theme This mega collection of words for a music word wall is versatile. Set your word walls up by grade level, by category or alphabetically.

 Tempo Posters - Camping Theme A great collection of tempo posters to help students remember tempo terminology.

 Music Teacher Binder - Camping Theme Your classroom is organized, now organize all of that paper work! This collection of binder/divider covers is campy and cute.

 SMORE Skills We Learn in Music Bulletin Board -I love posting advocacy bulletin boards each year and this is a great one!

 Music Symbols Posters - Camping Theme  A large collection of music symbol posters that make great anchor charts or additions to a focus wall.

 Kodaly Curwen Hand Sign Posters - Hand them up or use them as manipulatives with your students.

 Ensemble Posters - Camping Theme  -Framed by a rustic wooden frame, these posters show how many performers are in different ensembles.

 Dynamics Posters - Camping Theme  -Turn it up with these dynamic posters feature camping clipart. 

Camping Treble Clef Bulletin Board - It is handy to have a treble clef staff display up every year. This bulletin board set using camping clipart to label the lines and spaces of the treble clef staff.



Empower your students with these notes, rests and clefs tracing worksheets. These worksheets were designed for your youngest learners and encourage students to draw 12 different music symbols. These worksheets are great for workstations, individual work or your sub tub of lesson plans.

These worksheets also work really well if you laminate them! Laminate them and have students use a dry erase marker to practice drawing the symbols.

Notes, rests and clefs included in U.S. English and U.K. English:
treble clef
bass clef
quarter note
quarter rest
eighth note
barred eighth notes
eighth rest
half note
half rest
whole note
whole rest
music staff



Dynamics Posters Camping Patriotic Songs Posters
Dynamics Posters CAMPING Theme   $2.00 Patriotic Songs Posters and Writing Prompts  $5.99
Head to the rugged outdoors to remind your students about dynamics. These posters feature a camping theme and coordinate with other camping themed decorations for music classrooms in my store.

In this download there are full page posters of the following dynamic terms:
ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff, crescendo and descrendo
Each poster features the symbol, name and a brief definition.
***This is part of the Music Decor Bundle - Camping Theme***
This is a colorful collection of popular patriotic songs that your students many know. The posters are presented as full letter size pages. There are 12 patriotic songs included:

The Star Spangled Banner
You’re a Grand Old Flag
God Bless America
America the Beautiful
America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee)
This Land is Your Land
Yankee Doodle
Air Force Song
The Army Goes Rolling Along
Semper Paratus (The Coast Guard Song)
Marine’s Hymn
Anchors Aweigh

Also included in this download are 3 writing/drawing prompts (depending on the age of your students) that would make great displays for your bulletin board or halls.
Camping Ensemble Posters Instrument Matching Game
Camping Ensemble Posters   $4.00 Instrument Matching Game    $2.50
This kit contains 8 colorful visual definitions of ensemble groupings using a camping theme. Each one contains a grouping word like "solo", "trio" or "octet" with a coordinating number of animals you might see in the forest in a rustic, wooden frame. This kit would be a great resource to leave up all year.

Definitions fit 1 to a page. A title sheet is included for your bulletin board or just a space in your classroom. Groupings included are solo, duet, trio, quartet, quintet, sextet, septet and octet.

Consider using these cards for creating cooperative learning groups. Hold up a trio card and instruct students to make trios or groups of three. Hold up the quartet card and have students make groups of four.
***This is part of the Music Decor Bundle - Camping Theme***

The versatile Instrument Matching Game is actually several games in one. The file works as a regular matching game but it also works as a sorting game too. Print this set with a color printer on cardstock and laminate for maximum durability.

Included in this download are instrument cards in three formats: instrument and name, instrument picture only, name only. Print 2 copies of the same one for an easy matching game or print one of two different sets for a more challenging game. A task card is included for using this set at a workstation. 

Instruments included:
Brass -French horn, trombone, trumpet and tuba

Strings -autoharp, cello, double bass, dulcimer, guitar, harp, ukulele, viola and violin

Woodwind - accordion, bass clarinet, bassoon, clarinet, contrabassoon, English horn, flute, harmonica, oboe, recorder and saxophone

Percussion - agogo bells, bass drum, bongos, cabasa, claves, cowbell, cymbals, egg shaker, finger cymbals, glockenspiel, gong, guiro, jingle bells, maracas, marimba, metallophone, piano, snare drum, tambourine, timpani, tone block, triangle, wood block, and xylophone

In addition to the matching game instructions for using the cards as a sorting activity are included. A task card for using the sorting game in a workstation as well as sheets that you can use to guide students to sort the instrument pictures are included. A self-checking sheet is included for the sorting activity.


Music Symbols Posters Camping Four Voices
Music Symbol Posters Camping Theme  $4.00 Four Voices   $4.00
Get your students fired up about learning music symbols with this camping themed set of music symbol posters. Included in this download are 38 full-paged posters with a camping theme. The colors and clipart match the other camping decor items in my store. These posters makes a great addition to a focus wall.

Check your printer’s settings to see how to print 4 pages on one page and create flashcards for your students.

This set includes the following posters:
Alto Clef
Bar Line
Bass Clef
Common Time
Cut Time
Double Bar Line
Repeat Sign
Time Signature
Treble Clef
2/4 Time Signature
3/4 Time Signature
4/4 Time Signature
6/8 Time Signature
Eighth Note
Eighth Notes
Eighth Rest
Quarter Note
Quarter Rest
Half Note
Half Rest
Dotted Half Note
Whole Note
Whole Rest
Sixteenth Note
Sixteenth Notes
Sixteenth Rest
***This is part of the Music Decor Bundle - Camping Theme***

Four Voices Posters, Listening Strips, Worksheets and Assessments
Teach your students about their four voices with this bright and simple download. Actually…there are a few more than four voices included in case your curriculum requires more. Here’s what’s included:

Whisper Voice
Talking Voice (and Speaking Voice if you prefer)
Singing Voice
Calling Voice (and Shouting Voice if you prefer)
Humming Voice
Thinking Voice (and Inner Voice if you prefer)

Use these strips to assess students while teaching. Students can use a clothespin to clip their answer, lay a bingo or poker chip on their choice or simply point at the picture depicting their answer. Several varieties are included in color and black and white.

2 different worksheets in a couple of styles to meet your need. In the first one, students circle their answer when given a situation (concert, library, etc..) and in another variation of this worksheet you can play an example and students can circle their answers.

In the second set of worksheets, students list times or places when it is appropriate to use each of their voices. There are a couple of variations of this worksheet to meet your needs.
Kodaly Curwen Hand Signs CAMPING Summer Color by Note
Kodaly / Curwen Hand Signs Camping Theme   $2.00 Summer Color by Note     $4.00
This set of Kodaly Curwen hand signs contains do re mi fa sol la ti do in a camping theme. (Please note: “so” is not included.) The file coordinates with the other camping themed music classroom decorations in my store. This download comes as a PDF.

Want to use these as flashcards? Check out your printer settings to see how to print 2 or 4 to a page.
***This is part of the Music Decor Bundle - Camping Theme***

This kit contains 4 designs in two different formats. In the first format students will see the note and then what color to use. In the first format the note matches the notes in the picture. In the second format students will see the note name and then what color to use. 

The note names indicate notes that can be found in the picture. The first format is best for younger students and the second for older students.

This set would be great to use in centers or workstations in your classroom. Simple design would be great to leave for a substitute teacher.

Notes/Rests Included: quarter note, half note, barred eighth notes, single eighth note, whole note, 4 sixteenth notes, dotted half note and quarter rest
SMORE Skills We Learn in Music Bulletin Board Peter and the Wolf Workstations
SMORE Skills We Learn in Music     $5.99 Peter and the Wolf Workstations     $9.00
Students learn so many skills in music class, let's share SMORE of them with this clever bulletin board. Included in this download are two different sizes of title letters/words using marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolates.

Also included are 12 skills that students learn by studying music. Some examples: creativity, perseverance, leadership, focus and more! These skills are posted on pieces of smores and are approximately 7 inches tall.

This download comes as a PDF.
***This is part of the Music Decor Bundle - Camping Theme***
This is a bundled set of 5 Peter and the Wolf Activities. These activities work well in workstations, but are also stand alone activities for whole group time too. (33 total pages)  
The following activities are included (check out their descriptions on this page for more information)
Peter and the Wolf Color by Note
Peter and the Wolf Crowns
Peter and the Wolf Cut and Tell
Peter and the Wolf Dabber Activities
Peter and the Wolf Flap Book

Teacher Binder CAMPING Peter and the Wolf Color by Number
Music Teacher Binder Camping Theme   $5.00 Peter and the Wolf Color by Note  $4.00
Organize your music classroom with this HUGE collection of covers and labels. This binder collection contains 49 full page covers or dividers in camping themed colors. This design features a variety of camping clipart of each page. Although it looks best when printed in color, you could also choose to print it in grayscale if needed.

Print only what you need! Slide them in the front of your binder for a cover or slide them in a page protector and use to divide up a book that contains lots of info (lesson plans, seating charts, class rosters, etc...). Each cover has a matching spine label in two sizes (inch and two inch). The two inch spine label would also work for a larger binder.

Covers and labels included:
Music Binder   Attendance   Lesson Plans   Grades
Calendar    Schedule    Seating Chart    Seating Charts
Class Roster    Class Rosters    Communication    Evaluations
Professional Development   Student Data   Common Core
PBS    PBIS    Behavior    Budget    Sub Plans
Uniforms    Choir Robes    Orff Resources   Kodaly Resources
Great Ideas    Concert Planning     Inventory    Preschool    Kindergarten
First Grade    Second Grade   Third Grade    Fourth Grade    Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade    Seventh Grade   Eighth Grade   Choir
Chorus    Show Choir    Mixed Choir     Band
Jazz Band    Marching Band    Orchestra
Music History    Music Appreciation

Also included is a blank cover page and spine label. They are not editable. Print them and write in anything you need but didn't find in this fabulous kit. 
***This is part of the Music Decor Bundle - Camping Theme***
This kit contains 4 designs in two different formats. In the first format students will see the note and then what color to use. In the first format the note matches the notes in the picture. In the second format students will see the note name and then what color to use. The note names indicate notes that can be found in the picture. The first format is best for younger students and the second for older students.

This set would be great to use in centers or workstations in your classroom. Simple design would be great to leave for a substitute teacher.

Notes/Rests Included: quarter note, half note, barred eighth notes, single eighth note, whole note, 4 sixteenth notes and quarter rest
***This product is available as part of a money saving bundle.
Tempo Posters Camping PatW Crowns
Tempo Posters CAMPING Theme    $2.00 Peter and the Wolf Crowns    $3.00
This download includes 8 tempo posters in a camping / wilderness theme. Each full page poster contains a tempo word and a brief definition. Words include:


***This is part of the Music Decor Bundle - Camping Theme***
Dramatic play is even more fun with these Peter and the Wolf Crowns. Students create their character crown and then wear it while listening to the music from Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf or when acting out the story. This makes a great whole group activity but can be incorporated into workstations as well.

Included in this download is a crown for each character in the story. Each crown also contains the picture of the instrument that plays the theme of that character.

Peter – violin
Grandfather –bassoon
Wolf – French horn
Bird – flute
Cat – clarinet
Duck –oboe
Hunters –timpani
There is also a blank crown included.

Also included in this download is a sign for a drama workstation, directions for the workstation and extra headbands. 
***This product is available as part of a money saving bundle.
Word Wall CAMPING PatW Flap Book
Music Word Wall CAMPING Theme    $4.00 Peter and the Wolf Flap Book    $1.50
Wow! This massive word wall kit is just what you need for your music room. It includes over 180 words (3 to a page) and 12 category labels. 

This kit features a camping theme with a colorful background (that matches the other camping themed products in my store) and rustic clipart. This is just the right addition to your camping themed music room. 

Display these words by category, by grade level or alphabetically.

There is also an editable template included in case you need to add a word that isn’t already included. The editable file is a PowerPoint file.
***This is part of the Music Decor Bundle - Camping Theme***
This flap book is a fun and easy way to reinforce the sequence of events in Peter and the Wolf. It contains 6 key moments with a matching picture. Included in this download are 3 different versions of the same flap book. 

The variations include one with the story events already numbered, one that asks students to number the back of the flaps and another that just asks students to fold that flaps down in backwards order. 
***This product is available as part of a money saving bundle.
Music Decor Racing Bundle PatW Cut and Tell
Music Class Decor Bundle - Racing Theme       $17.50 Peter and the Wolf Cut and Tell     $1.50

This massive collection of racing themed décor sets for the music classroom contains 250 pages. Purchasing this bundle saves you almost 50% of the price of purchasing these items separately.  See the single item descriptions also posted on this page for more information about each product.  Here’s what’s in the bundle:

 Dynamics Posters - Racing Theme 10 pages of dynamic words, symbol and definitions.

 Ensemble Posters - Racing Theme Get your racing teams together. Students can learn words like: solo, duet, trio, quartet and more with these posters.

 Kodaly Curwen Hand Sign Posters - Racing Theme Use these as posters or check your printer settings to print them in smaller sizes for flashcards and workstations.

 Music Symbol Posters - Racing Theme - These anchor charts are great to leave up all year long.  

Music Word Wall - Checkered Flag    Organize by grade level, subject or however you wish. Tons of words to use and an editable template if you don’t find what you need. 

Music Teacher Binder - Racing Theme    Your classroom looks great, now how about YOUR stuff? Binder pages and spine labels included. 

Tempo Posters - Racing Theme   A great reference your speedy musicians. 

Driving Through Lines and Spaces Treble Clef  Display     Drive through learning the lines and spaces of the treble clef with this clever display. 

Musician's Tune-Up Bulletin Board    This bulletin board will keep your students in-tune!


Everyone loves Peter and the Wolf and you will love this story sequencing worksheet. Students are asked to read the sentences and then cut out the matching pictures and glue them next to the correct sentence.  This download contains 1 worksheet.
***This product is available as part of a money saving bundle.

Musician's Tune Up Bulletin Board PatW Dabber Activities
Musician's Tune-Up Bulletin Board      $5.99 Peter and the Wolf Dabber    $2.50
On your mark! Get set! GO! Have a great year with this racing themed bulletin board. This download comes with 16 full page posters that feature a tip for music class, lessons or just life in general. Each one comes with a word that could be related to tuning up a car. A few examples:

FILTER out negative thoughts. Be positive about your performance.
SHIFT your attitude.
ADJUST your volume. Louder is not always better.
CLEAN up your playlist. Put only great music in your ears.

Also included in this download are title letters. Cut them out (I usually leave a small border of white when I cut them out) and add them to your display.
This download comes as a PDF.
Dabbers, daubers, bingo markers, dot markers…whatever you call them, they make learning fun! This is a collection of worksheets to use with the dot markers. Use them in music centers or workstations, as part of whole group instruction or in your private studio. If you don’t have dabbers you can have students color in their response or use dot stickers instead.

In this download you will receive 4 worksheets in two formats. 
1 worksheet that asks students to dab the picture of the instrument that matches the character
1 worksheet that asks students to dab the name of the instrument that matches the character
1 worksheet that asks students to dab adjectives that describe each character
1 worksheet that asks students to dab a path from the character to the matching instrument

The first format uses the word “dab” and the second uses the word “color”. Use the first set with dabbers and use the second set with crayons or markers. 
***This product is available as part of a money saving bundle.
Driving Through Lines and Spaces Roll and Cover Spring
Driving Through Lines and Space Bulletin Board      $3.00 Music Roll and Cover   $3.00
Looking for a racy way to display the names of the treble clef lines and spaces? Step on the brakes! It’s right here!

This display features cars for each line and space on the treble clef. Tires/wheels with letter names are also included if you would like to mix them up and do cars on the lines and tires in the spaces or vice versa. 

Title words with a checkered flag background are included. They say “Driving Through Lines and Spaces”.
Grab some dice and let’s get rolling! Roll and Cover is an activity that can be used with partners, small groups and individually (although with a friend is more fun!). 

To play, students roll a standard die, then look on the Roll and Cover sheet to see what note or symbol that represents. The next step is to find a piece of the picture puzzle with that same note or symbol it and color it. Play continues and the next person has a turn in a similar fashion. The first one to cover all of the symbols WINS!

In this edition, students will color spring time pictures. Dice value and note values are matched up when possible. Included on these sheets: quarter note, half note, dotted half note, whole note, treble clef and bass clef.

Two versions are included. The first version lists the note or clef that matches the symbol in the picture. The second version uses words and the students have to identify it by finding the symbol in the picture.

Tempo Posters- Racing Theme Word Wall Racing
Tempo Posters - Racing Theme       $2.00 Word Wall -Black and White Checkered     $4.00
This download includes 8 tempo posters in a racing theme. Each full page poster contains a tempo word and a brief definition. 

Words include:

Also included is a one page title sheet that says "Check Your Tempo".
Wow! This massive word wall kit is just what you need for your music room. It includes over 180 words (3 to a page) and 12 category labels. 

This kit features a black and white checkered background. No need for colored ink! It would work well in a variety of classrooms and with several different themes. 

Display these words by category, by grade level or alphabetically.

There is also an editable template included in case you need to add a word that isn’t already included. The editable file is a PowerPoint file.

You will notice that a few words have been repeated. The reason is that some of the words may fit in multiple categories. For example “piano” could go under Instruments and Dynamics.
Teacher Binder Racing Music Symbol Posters Racing
Music Teacher Binder - Racing Theme      $5.00 Music Symbol Posters-Racing Theme    $4.00
Start your engines! Organize your music classroom with this HUGE collection of covers and labels. This binder collection contains 49 full page covers or dividers in with a tire tread background. This design features a racing theme. Although it looks best when printed in color, you could also choose to print it in grayscale if needed.

Print only what you need! Slide them in the front of your binder for a cover or slide them in a page protector and use to divide up a book that contains lots of info (lesson plans, seating charts, class rosters, etc...). Each cover has a matching spine label in two sizes (inch and two inch). The two inch spine label would also work for a larger binder.

Covers and labels included:
Music Binder     Attendance     Lesson Plans
Grades     Calendar     Schedule   Seating Chart
Seating Charts    Class Roster   Class Rosters
Communication   Evaluations    Professional Development
Student Data   Common Core    PBS
PBIS   Behavior    Budget   Sub Plans
Uniforms    Choir Robes    Orff Resources
Kodaly Resources    Great Ideas   Concert Planning
Inventory     Preschool
Kindergarten   First Grade   Second Grade
Third Grade    Fourth Grade   Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade     Seventh Grade    Eighth Grade
Choir     Chorus     Show Choir
Mixed Choir     Band     Jazz Band
Marching Band     Orchestra     Music History
Music Appreciation

Also included is a blank cover page and spine label. They are not editable. Print them and write in anything you need but didn't find in this fabulous kit. 
This racing themed set of music symbol posters will really REV your students up! Included in this download are 38 full-paged posters with a checkered flag background and race car clipart. This makes a great addition to a focus wall.

Check your printer’s settings to see how to print 4 pages on one page and create flashcards for your students.

This set includes the following posters:
Accent    Alto Clef    Bar Line    Bass Clef
Common Time    Crecendo    Cut Time
Decrescendo    Double Bar Line    Fermata
Flat    Glissando    Natural    Repeat Sign
Sharp    Slur    Staccato    Staff
Tie    Time Signature    Treble Clef
2/4 Time Signature     3/4 Time Signature
4/4 Time Signature    6/8 Time Signature
Eighth Note      Eighth Notes   Eighth Rest
Quarter Note    Quarter Rest
Half Note    Half Rest    Dotted Half Note
Whole Note    Whole Rest    Sixteenth Note
Sixteenth Notes    Sixteenth Rest
Kodaly Hand Signs Racing Ensemble Posters Racing
Kodaly Curwen Hand Sign Posters - Racing Theme   $2.00 Racing Ensemble Posters    $4.00
This set of Kodaly Curwen hand signs contains do re mi fa sol la ti do in a racing theme. (Please note: “so” is not included.) The file coordinates with the other racing themed music classroom decorations in my store. This download comes as a PDF.

Want to use these as flashcards? Check out your printer settings to see how to print 2 or 4 to a page.
This kit contains 8 colorful visual definitions of ensemble groupings using a racing theme. Each one contains a grouping word like "solo", "trio" or "octet" with a coordinating number of vehicles in each. This kit would be a great resource to leave up all year.

Definitions fit 1 to a page. A title sheet is included for your bulletin board or just a space in your classroom. Groupings included are solo, duet, trio, quartet, quintet, sextet, septet and octet.

Consider using these cards for creating cooperative learning groups. Hold up a trio card and instruct students to make trios or groups of three. Hold up the quartet card and have students make groups of four.
Dynamics Posters-Racing Theme     $2.00  
Race into musical understanding with these dynamics posters. These anchor charts feature a racing theme and coordinate with other racing theme decorations for music classrooms in my store.

In this download there are full page posters of the following dynamic terms:
ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff, crescendo and descrendo

Each poster features the symbol, name and a brief definition.


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The graphics used in the items sold on this website are copyrighted and may not be used for your own commercial projects or given away to anyone else.  By purchasing these kits you are agreeing to the Terms of Use.

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